We provide clients peace of mind about the future of their families and their commercial concerns.
In collaboration with high net-worth individuals and owners of closely-held businesses, our highly regarded team of trusts and estates attorneys helps plot strategic courses that enhance wealth management, prevent problems, allow for contingencies, and bring resolution to contentious issues.
With many decades of experience guiding people through major life transitions, we always strive to reduce uncertainty and foster stability. We cultivate and maintain close relationships, which augments our ability to help individual and institutional clients with issues that often are quite personal in nature – and some of these associations span generations. We serve our clients by taking a fair and level-headed approach. Because families recognize our skills and experience, they trust us to shepherd their matters wisely in order to generate the most favorable solutions possible.
We provide comprehensive estate-related guidance to clients in the Carolinas and beyond, advising clients in matters ranging from basic asset disposition planning to highly sophisticated plans designed to minimize transfer tax burdens. We have experience with and, when appropriate, utilize all advanced planning techniques such as valuation discount planning, complex estate, gift, income, and generation-skipping transfer planning, and charitable planning. Finally, we prioritize keeping our clients informed and updated on state and federal developments that have an impact on their estate and tax planning.
If you have any questions for our Trusts & Estates Attorneys, contact us here.
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