Johnston Allison Hord partner Kyle Agee co-presented “South Carolina Probate, Estate Planning & Trust Section: Past, Present, and Future” at the 2025 South Carolina Bar Convention held January 16-19 in Columbia, SC. During his Probate, Estate Planning & Trust Section presentation Kyle served on a panel of experienced attorneys to discuss how the section assisted them in their careers and how the section can continue helping attorneys in the future. Other topics covered during the section meeting included changing laws in the state, and in-depth discussion trending issues facing probate law. In addition to the Probate, Estate Planning & Trust Section, continuing legal education seminars were offered in the areas including but not limited to corporate, environmental, elder, and employment law.
If you have any legal questions regarding probate, estate planning, and trusts, contact a member of our Trusts & Estates Practice Group by completing our General Contact Form.
Click here to learn more about the 2025 South Carolina Bar Convention.
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